Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Color and Linetype Standards

Linetype Standards
We don't have many office standards governing linetypes, just three really.

1. All Colors for objects (except for details) should be "ByLayer".
1. All Linetypes for objects (except for details) should be "ByLayer".
2. All Linetypes (except for details) should have a scale of 1. (Variable "celtscale" or current element linetype scale.)

That's not too hard.

Why can I not match properties to a linetype?
There are a few reasons:
1.) Either the MatchProp settings do not include Linetype
2.) We do not have that linetype in our library and will not match properties to it.

Why are details exempt from being ByLayer?
The main reason that object colors and linetypes are exempt from being ByLayer in details is because details are not externally referenced into other types of drawings. Details are drawn as what you see is what you get. 

Why can I not see my linetype correctly?
There can be several reasons.
1.) You are drawing a line while CELTSCALE =1 the properties palette and looking at the linetype scale.
2.) Make sure the linetype is ByLayer..
3.) Make sure it is a linetype we have. Just because a linetype appears in a drawing does not mean we have it.
4.) Choose a smaller or larger linetype, and do not change the LTSCALE.
6.) Use the layer dialog and make sure it is assigned the correct linetype.

Why will the colors not stay when I apply them to an xref?
The variable "visretain" is set to 0. It needs to be set to 1.

Why can I not change the color of the object in my xref using the layer dialog?
Because the object in the referenced drawing is not set to ByLayer?

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